Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reporting from the 713

  • Flew from New York to Houston on Sunday.
  • It's awesome to be back home.
  • Alex and Manolis have joined me in H-Town for this year's Thanksgiving break merrymaking.
After dropping our bags off upstairs, we had blueberry salad, pasta, and boiled lobster for dinner. Dear Mother, how I have missed your cooking.

I also finally met Niki, my family's new puppy (pictures soon to come)!

Then we we went on a Randall's run to get some Blue Bell and stuffed our faces while watching Valkyrie. I found out that Nazis + ice cream is a strange combination.

Slept in!
After having some fruit at home, Alex, Manolis (hereafter "the Greeks") and I headed to Highland Village for sushi. Afterwards, we went to the bookstore and browsed the Houston/Texas section for souvenirs. We also found a hilarious Christmas gift for a mutual friend...

For dinner, we had my mother's delicious Korean food. Grilled galbi outside and also had shrimp pancakes, spicy bok choy salad, and japchae.

After a period of food coma, the Greeks and I decided to do some exploring in Montrose. We checked out some cool vintage clothing shops, then went to Brasil for coffee. There was this old dude rocking out on the xylophone with four mallets (accompanied by less noteworthy drums and bass guitar). Sounded pretty awesome. Later, on the walk back to the car, we ran into some extremely stoned hipsters playing guitar on the street. Oh, Montrose.

We wrapped up the night with an epic game of Risk. The Greeks and I might or might not be friends anymore.

Manolis pondering the fate of the Western hemisphere