Sunday, February 14, 2010

Amorous Tigers

who needs Valentines when there's vanilla soy ice cream?

My 20th Valentine's Day was actually quite enjoyable, despite/thanks to the failure on my part to finish the quart pictured above. Lots of sleep, soy, caffeine, nutella, Portuguese homework, and psychology paper-writing (in that order). Somehow, I managed to complete a formidable amount of work while also enjoying serving as a mutual backup Valentine.

Also, Happy Lunar New Year! Professor Lee provided japchae and songpyeon = awesomeness.

By the way, a friend this afternoon:
: how did we ever become friends
: it actually makes no sense
: because think about it
: you are 1. a sweatshirt hater
: 2. a country music listener
: 3. a windsday sayer
: this is something i should spend more time pondering...

"Durch Frauen werden die Höhepunkte des Lebens bereichert und die Tiefpunkte vermehrt."
- Friedrich Nietzsche