Monday, November 22, 2010

Business Sphere Magazine - Fall 2010

In this issue of Business Sphere, our writers address the complexity of business from a student perspective as it relates to a wide variety of popular news. Business Sphere aims to serve as a platform for increasing awareness of and interest in the far-ranging implications of business in social, economic, legal and political arenas.

Amid the uneven recovery from the global economic downturn, it is clear that innovation and entrepreneurship are more important today than ever before. This issue of BSM contains an exclusive interview with Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, whose ideas have revolutionized social networking around the world. You will also hear from Solar Roadways CEO Scott Brusaw, who aspires to transform America’s roads into a source of renewable energy. In other featured articles, Yale students talk about their experiences in fields ranging from college start-ups in New Haven to non-profit work in Haiti.

I would like to extend a warm thank-you to the editorial and design teams for their tireless efforts, without which this publication would not have been possible. Special thanks go to the Yale Undergraduate Business Society for its continued support and collaboration. We hope for continued success and expansion throughout the year!