Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spotted in the Dining Hall

"Korean Spiced Pork Chops"

Many of you know that I normally don't eat pork. But when I saw this label advertising the flavors of the fatherland, suffering from the effects of gochujang withdrawal, I decided to take a leap of faith and tried a bite of this purportedly "Korean" pork chop. I'm sorry to report that there is hardly anything "Korean" about these dry slabs of meat. 나라망신...

Dear Yale Dining, please stop slapping random ethnic labels on your menu. (I'm also a bit suspicious of the "Slow-Cooked Moroccan Stew" and "Haitian Chicken Thighs.")

The dining hall food is generally best when simple and unambitious. Like the delicious cranberry spinach salad. Or, on a less virtuous note, the plain organic brownies: 200 calories of pure, artery-clogging goodness. (According to yaledining.org, they should be making their next appearance this Thursday!)